Field Crops  
Hybrid Paddy / Rice Seeds

Rice, originating in Southeast Asia, is not only a primary staple for over half of the world's population but also plays a critical role in the fight against hunger and poverty, especially in Asia, the largest producing and consuming region. The agricultural population densities in rice-producing areas are among the highest globally, and these areas are under increasing pressure due to rapid population growth. As demand for rice continues to grow, the challenge lies in maintaining productivity while ensuring sustainability.

In India, consumer preferences differ based on regional needs. In the north, hybrid rice varieties are popular, while in the south, hybrid rice cultivation remains minimal. However, to expand hybrid rice cultivation across the country, the development of short to medium-duration hybrid varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases, while offering a fine grain type, is essential. These varieties need to deliver a 15-20% higher yield than traditional varieties to be economically viable for farmers. The key to increasing hybrid rice cultivation lies not only in yield improvement but also in maintaining high quality, particularly in terms of taste and texture, which are central to consumer preferences. High-quality rice with a better buffering capacity can help in addressing market demands while ensuring consistent availability, even under changing environmental conditions.

Key Feature of Hybrid Paddy / Rice Seeds.​​

  • Medium tall, erect growth habit.
  • Excellent tillering potential and well exerted panicles.
  • olerant to Blast, bacterial blight disease and brown plant hopper.
  • Gets ready for harvesting in 125-135 days.
  • Tasty and non sticky rice.
  • Head Rice Recovery is 68-70%.
  • Tolerant to lodging, stay green foliage at harvest.

Our focus To ensure that traditional ,certified and scientifically prepared seeds reach every farmer,