Field Crops  

Maize(Zea mays) is one of the best cereal fodder crops grown during the summer, rainy, and winter seasons. It produces rich and nutritious green fodder which is a good source of carbohydrates. However, the fodder quality of green maize is far excellent. Amongst the non-legume cultivated fodders, maize is the only fodder that produces better nutritional quality along with the good quantity of biomass. Its quality is much better than sorghum and pearl millet since both sorghum as well as pearl millet possesses anti-quality components such as HCN and oxalate, respectively. This green fodder is particularly suitable for silage making. The yield varies from 30 to 40 tonnes/hectare.

Corn production has nearly doubled in the last one and half decades largely due to the adoption of single cross hybrids).It’s penitrance to most of the non-traditional areas, thereby many fold area increased by replacing other field crops. Maize has a mind boggling multifarious end uses as food, feed and industrial by-products which is unmatched with any other crop..

Key Feature maize Seeds.​​

  • Suitable for Kharif seasons.
  • Medium maturity hybrid (90-100 days).
  • Field Potential: 65-70 Q./ha with shelling 80-82%.
  • Uniform open & medium tall phenotype.
  • Medium-high Cob placement, cylindrical cobs with white shank. Cobs completely covered with husk.
  • Orange-yellow, semi-dent, medium-bold kernels.

Our Focus To ensure that traditional ,certified and scientifically prepared seeds reach every farmer.